Monday, May 26, 2003

Sunday, the day when the last of my friends left for home, especially my two best friends, Mary and Kristin. I gave big hugs because I wouldn't be seeing them for more than 3 months....I am sorely going to miss them, already am and it hasn't even been a day. Feels like I am addicted to them but in a good sort of a way, they have been an integral part of my freshman year during this last semester.. I am so glad I got to know them this semester. I also saw Michelle, Kari, Tara, Jenna and Liz leave as well. Although Jenna will be back on 6th to stay here for a couple of days. Post 4 PM, the entire campus went dead.. I think there are around 40 people left maybe from the original 1000.. NOrmally when I had free time, I would be spending it with Mary and Kristin, but now they are not there and I can't think of anything fun to do..

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